Personalized Watches
Turn your watch into an one of a kind timepiece by having it custom engraved.
A love note, a special date to remember, or a loved ones name... Our engraved wooden watches make a timeless gift for any person that is dear to you.
Een unieke combinatie van steen en hout zorgt ervoor dat de natuurlijke elementen in dit horloge opvallen. Een wijzerplaat van steen, gecombineerd met een band van Walnoothout. Als je op zoek bent naar een uniek uurwerk, hoeft je niet verder te zoeken.
Maar dat is nog niet alles - je kunt het horloge ook laten graveren met een persoonlijke boodschap, waardoor het echt uniek wordt. Of je nu winkelt voor een verjaardag, jubileum of andere viering, dit prachtige uurwerk zal je geliefde zeker doen glimlachen!
Het horloge wordt geleverd in een mooi houten kistje met een gereedschap het bandje aan jouw polsmaat aan te passen.
Kastgrootte | 46 mm |
Materialen | Ebbenhout, Walnoot & Steen |
Uurwerk |
Quartz |
Band | Hout |
Bandmaat | 22 cm (verstelbaar) |
Once we received your order, it will be on it's way to you within 1 business day.
Personalized watches and jewelry take 2 business days till dispatch as our craftsmen need some time for that finishing touch.
Once dispatched, you'll receive a tracking code and transit times are the following:
Europe: 2-5 days
USA, UK & Canada: 3-7 days
Everywhere else: 3-7 business days
I love it so much! I got it for my fiance for our anniversary and I cannot wait to give it to him! Will use this store again! It was wrapped up so cute with confetti and a wooden heart in it! He is going to love it!
Gorgeous watch. Just as expected
Response within 24 hours. Took 3 days from the day it was shipped to reach IL from Spain. Picture and quality are perfect. Would order again. 🙂
autiful watch, unique. My husband loves it.
Absolutely stunning piece. Fast shipping. Would recommend 100%!!
Personalized Watches
Turn your watch into an one of a kind timepiece by having it custom engraved.
A love note, a special date to remember, or a loved ones name... Our engraved wooden watches make a timeless gift for any person that is dear to you.
Every Woodpecker Watch tells a story, and with every purchase, that story includes a positive step for the planet. We plant a tree for each watch sold as our way of giving back to nature and thanking you for being part of this meaningful mission. Together, we’re creating a future that’s a little greener and a lot brighter—one tree at a time.
A Woodpecker Watch makes the perfect gift for life’s most meaningful moments. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, or marking a special milestone, our wooden watches add a unique and unforgettable touch. With the option to include custom engraving, each watch becomes a personal keepsake, thoughtfully crafted to capture the memories that matter most.
We’re more than just creators of stunning wooden timepieces - we’re proud to be one of the most sought-after wooden watch brands. Each watch we craft is designed to do more than tell time; it tells your story. With our custom engraving options, every piece becomes a personal expression of life’s most meaningful moments, making it as unique as you are.
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